Saturday, 19 July 2008


Here's something a little more up to date. Tokyo Hotel's "Scream", the English version of their 2005 German hit "Schrei". I detect a certain similarity in style between parts of this song and the Oasis hit "Don't look back in anger" - which I particularly like - (Watch out. Stay awake /And so, Sally can wait). Anyway, here's their video. Lyrics, as usual, on the left. Enjoy.
By the way, the singer's pronounciation in English is really good, don't you think?

Monday, 7 July 2008


Here I am, sitting at home with my grandson, talking about music. He's not twelve yet and he's already strumming his father's guitar and making interesting sounds.

Anyway, we're trying to find common ground, songs that we both like, and it turns out that he's a Bon Jovi fan! He went to see them when they came to Barcelona last month.
( ).

I thought this song, that we both like, was a good example of Bon Jovi's music to add to my collection of favourites. I'm sure you'll enjoy this unplugged version where you can make out the words a bit better.

Lyrics on the left.