Wednesday, 23 September 2009


This song (from her latest album "Far") was sent to me recently by my son. The lyrics haven't stopped haunting me since.

Regina Spektor, an American, Russian-born singer, has a lovely voice and apparently writes very poetic songs. This particular one, "Genius next door", has a very soothing piano, backing her remarkably cool voice. No real emotion, just stating matter-of-fact what must be a typical tragedy in our society.

Porridge for prison? Prison being the closed circle kids find themselves thrown in when they enter the "lake" - an apparently beautiful drug paradise/wonderland- and/or the jail they eventually end up in; but they don't care.

The neighbours avoid talking about it - can't draw attention to their community, house prices would fall, scandal, shame, etc. - or find excuses "enchantment, weather", whereas the media is constantly looking for precisely that sort of thing to sell more papers, more TV programmes, though they treat it as an everyday affair "coffee, doughnuts". The garbage collectors just limit themselves to clearing the rubbish (syringes, corpses, etc.)

The chorus line:"Hold in your breath 'till you come back up in full" = pot, etc.
Whereas the second time she adds "... you fool!" = warning. The two sides of the same coin.

The genius is the youngster who goes about his ordinary, excitement-free life, ignored by the other kids, but secretly envying them. In the loneliness of his private world he has to resort to his hands, "his secret", for sexual satisfaction and "to get high".

Various photos on the left.

For other interpretations of this song try the following web:

For more info on RS:

For a full biography go to:

Spanish readers will find all, or at least most, of her songs translated here:

Here's the video, courtesy of and spektography (thank you), followed by the lyrics. Enjoy.

Some said the local lake had been enchanted,
others said it must have been the weather.
The neighbors were trying to keep it quiet,
but I swear that I could hear the laughter.
So they jokingly nicknamed it "the porridge",
'Cause overnight that lake had turned as thick as butter.
But the local kids would still go swimming, drinking,
saying that to them it doesn't matter.
If you just hold in your breath 'till you come back up in full.
Hold in your breath 'till you've thought it through, you fool.
The genius next door was bussing tables,
wiping clean the ketchup bottle labels,
getting high and mumbling German fables.
Didn't care as long as he was able
to strip his clothes off by the dumpsters
at night while everyone was sleeping
and wade midway into that porridge;
just him and the secret he was keeping.
If you just hold in your breath 'till you come back up in full.
Hold in your breath 'till you thought it through, you foolish child.
Ah! Ah!
In the morning, the film crews start arriving
with donuts, coffee, and reporters.
The kids were waking up hungover.
The neighbors were starting up their cars.
The garbage men were emptying the dumpsters.
Atheists were praying full of sarcasm,
and the genius next door was sleeping,
dreaming that the antidote is orgasm.
If you just hold in your breath 'till you come back up in full.
Hold in your breath 'till you thought it through, you foolish child.
Ah! Ah!

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